Thursday, November 27, 2014

DNA Extraction

this is my video link to the DNA extraction experiment

my reflection for this experiment (DNA Extraction) is that the DNA is easily seen by cheap materials. we could find those materials in everyday life, except for microscope (it is lab materials). DNA extraction experiment is useful if we want to see the DNA structure in certain organism. Mango is the easiest organism for us to take a look to their DNA and that's why i choose the Mango as my object for this experiment.

Monday, November 10, 2014

function of Phospholipids, Cholestrol, Glycolipids, Glycoproteins, and Proteins

Channel Protein
Carrier Protein
Form of bilayer in hydrophobic and hydrophilic
Another lipid component of cell membranes, attached to the phospholipids
Located on surface and have a carbohydrate sugar chain
Two types of protein that help the communication of cells
Barrier to most water-soluble substances
Increases the fluidity of membrane
Help the cells to recognize other cells to the body
Help in the communication between the cells
Help cells communicate with external environment
Transport molecules across cell membranes through facilitated diffusion